Monday, May 20, 2013


Probably the biggest question someone must ask themselves when even thinking of starting a business is this: "What product am I going to be offering people and is it good enough to make them want to pay money for it?"

For me that's an easy one. I know that my product is food. Simple, right? Well it could be, if all I wanted was to sling a hamburger at you and tell you to get lost. But I don't want that. My product is more than food. My product, the one that people really pay for when they go out to eat, is the experience.

I know for myself at least, some of my best experiences have been centered around food. And I bet if you think about it, so have yours. Your carefully picked meal for your first date, your h'ors devouirs for your birthday parties, the chocolate fountain at your prom, your wedding cake, your good times in the backyard with the grill, your anniversary dinners, your awesome vacation buffets and booze cruises, your retirement soirees, and even funerals. 

All of these instances have a common denominator. 

Food and drink are ever present and tied to some of the most important memories we have. Most of the time, however that food takes a back seat to the moment, because of course that's really what matters to most people who are not as freakishly obsessed with food and eating as I am. But, every once in a while, there is a meal, a homemade dish, a drink, or a restaurant, that is so good it becomes part of that moment and can never be forgotten. It provides a magic memory with a lot of power as is seen in the following example:

 "Hey honey I know we have 5 kids and we're in kind of a slump, but do you remember that one place we ate on our first date with the caramel encrusted brie that was so stellar? We should go back there and rekindle our romance."

"Yes, how could I forget that cheese. As I recall you were pretty ok then too. Actually I recall that you were awesome...but not as good as the cheese. Let's do it, if not for us, then for the cheese!"

And voila, kid number 6 is made.

Anyway, my whole point is as a business person I intend for my product to leave an imprint on not only the palette but the mind as well. Not that I intend to be the world's best cook or baker or have the best restaurant. All I want is to leave this world a little better than when I found it and I think this is the way. By providing people with joyous moments that will stick with them forever.

That leads me to my next question that I've been asking over and over the last few weeks.

"What kind of food am I going to sell?"

The answer for me isn't so simple. I like just about everything. Narrowing it down to a certain genre or theme is difficult, especially for me. See I had no food culture growing up. I'm just the average white kid without any specific or strong cultural influences or even cooking skills. 

I do know what I'm looking for though. They say cook for yourself and you can't go wrong. I know I like small, rich, wow! meals. 

I like meats of all kinds so maybe sandwiches and steaks? I also have a sweet tooth so I was thinking about desserts.

(I had an idea for a steak and dessert shop called SHMEATS, no one liked the name...wonder why????)

I like soups, I like burgers, I like pastas.


So the question is going to be unanswered for a while but that's ok. I'm still learning the cooking part. The business part is a little down the road so I have some time to decide.

This is just a baseline. I'll be giving updates as I go.

And I'm still casting my vote for SHMEATS.



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